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Cauliflower Chips Recipe

Cauliflower Chips Recipe: You can make these crisp cauliflower chips in either the oven or your air fryer. They are low in carbohydrates and can be produced in either method. In addition, all that is required to make them is cauliflower, Parmesan cheese, and various seasonings. In order to have a distinct flavor profile, you can substitute ranch seasoning or your preferred spice combination for the Italian seasoning.


Cauliflower Chips Recipe

Cauliflower Chips


  • 2 cups riced cauliflower (12 ounces; see Tip)
  • 1 ⅓ cups finely grated Parmesan cheese
  • ½ teaspoon dried Italian seasoning
  • ½ teaspoon ground pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon salt


  • Place racks in the upper and lower thirds of the oven, and preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.(For an alternative, check the Air-Fryer Version farther below.)Prepare two big baking sheets with rims by lining them with parchment paper and spraying them with cooking spray.
  • Put cauliflower in a large bowl that can be heated in the microwave. Cook in the microwave on High, uncovered, stirring halfway through, for approximately two minutes, or until the food is soft.
  • The cauliflower should be placed in a clean kitchen towel (or paper towels), and as much moisture as possible should be squeezed out of it. A medium bowl should be used to place the cauliflower. Then, add the Parmesan, Italian seasoning, pepper, and salt, and stir until everything is blended.
  • On the baking sheets that have been prepared, divide the cauliflower mixture into mounds that are two inches apart using a tablespoon that has been leveled. Press each part into a circle that is approximately one eighth of an inch thick by using the bottom of a measuring cup or glass that has been gently oiled.
  • After approximately twenty minutes of baking, both pans should be rotated halfway through the process. The chips should be golden brown and crunchy. Place on a plate lined with paper towels and allow to cool entirely, which should take around twenty minutes.

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